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Herd Navigatior™

You have a few hundred cows… five need your attention. But which five?

Herd Navigator™ is an advanced milk analysis tool. An extension to your herd management system, it detects the handful cows which really need your attention. And perhaps best of all, it recommends what action you should take.


”You can make up to 250 euros extra per cow, per year with Herd Navigator”


This multiple award-winning system is unique. In fact, it is such a powerful tool that we confidently state: You can make up to 250 euros extra per cow, per year with Herd Navigator.


Herd Navigator™ focuses on three areas that are key to your ability to make a profit:

1. Heat Detection

Herd Navigator™ identifies cows in heat with over 95% accuracy.


2. Mastitis Detection

Mastitis is ranked second after infertility as a main reason for culling cows.


3. Ketosis detection

High performance dairy cows are more prone to metabolic disorders. Herd Navigator helps prevent milk losses of up to 600 kg per cow, per lactation


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